Re-Release 2017
Together with Elke. Now, even more sacred, more wolfish!
After the first edition went out of print, we authors were approached time and again by people inquiring how and where they could obtain a copy of our groundbreaking magnum opus on cultural competence. ‘We’re working on it!’ was our standard, somewhat sheepish reply, because we ourselves were not happy either that the mother ship of our publications should not be available anymore. We are all the happier now to be able to announce:
10 years after its first launch and a bit of re-editing, it is now back. Looking good and all – completely new visuals, showing no signs of ageing content-wise, new foreword and afterword concerning its relevance in the world today of which all of us are witnesses: Everywhere, the dynamic between what is own and what is foreign seems to be escalating. Everywhere, sacred cows are becoming ever more sacred, the wolves of change ever more feral. Violence is in the air. All of this against the backdrop of global warming and the mass extinction of species. ‘Backdrop’ not being the appropriate wording here, because we are in the thick of it.
The book outlines the learning processes all of us have to master, as systems, as communities and, of course, as individuals, to respond to a historical situation without precedent – in an innovative, intelligent and peaceful fashion. Moreover, it expounds a methodology of transformative learning and goes on to specify the roles and capabilities that are required to support, and boost, such learning individually and collectively. Last but not least, it contains some of the central concepts we employ hands-on in our training programmes for transformative coaches (e.g. the person/role distinction and the 5-edges process model)
We are excited to be able to share the tentative results of our exploring, probing and thinking with all those who, like us, feel strongly about our individual and our collective development.
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