You are responsible for the leadership of a company, a division, a department or unit?
Then you are sitting in a rather lonely place, you are dancing on a rather high tightrope. It is good (and sometimes even life-saving) to have someone that you can talk to confidentially and discuss difficult situations and decisions – someone with no other stakes in the game than to do a good job with you.
Some of the possible issues:
- Everything to do with single employees
- How to confront and shape change
- Everything aimed at transforming intractable conflict into creative energy
- How to develop your organisation and culture
In other words, to cut it short:
I help you to make a clean sweep in your organisation by supporting you wherever competencies are called for that you cannot have.
I do what I do from the role of the elder whose task it is to support you as the leader, so that you can build a sustainable future for your organisation.